2024-11-09 17:25:44 +00:00
2024-10-16 17:05:54 +00:00
2024-11-09 17:25:44 +00:00

HPR Documentation

A place to keep the HPR documentation

  • Community Content Delivery Network (CCDN) A location to track the deployment of the HPR Community Contend Delivery Network, that provides a mirror network for our content.
  • HPR Website Design This is literally in the whiteboard phase of the HPR website redesign. Where we can track Compatibility of the clients subscribed to our feeds.
  • Useful Resources Where we can link to other free culture sites that provide usefull services.
  • Requested Topics Where we can track topics that have been requested, and link to shows that addressed them.

Podcatcher and Podcasting Platform Compatibility

List of podcast clients


Site Maintenance

A place to keep the HPR documentation
Readme CC-BY-SA-4.0 6 MiB
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