Switched to json only posting
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,412 +0,0 @@
## Recent Changes
# Changed to support larger embedded images
require "/home/hpr/php/include.php";
function goback() {
header( "Location: " . $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"] ) ;
logextra( "Starting add_show.php");
if ( $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] !== 'POST' ) {
problem("ERROR: It is not a POST");
logextra( "It is a POST" );
if ( empty($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]) ) {
problem("ERROR: No REMOTE_ADDR");
else {
logextra( "We have a IP of $ip" );
if (count($_POST) !== 15) {
logextra( "POST is not 15" );
if (count($_POST) !== 17) {
# 19 is for mosaic
# if this reports 0 is could be that the max upload is not set correctly in php.ini.
problem("ERROR: Incorrect number of POST entries ".count($_POST) );
logextra( "Correct number of POST entries" );
if ( isset( $_POST['key'] ) and strlen( $_POST['key'] ) === 45 and strlen( htmlspecialchars( stripslashes( strip_tags( $_POST['key'] ) ) ) ) === 45 and ctype_xdigit( $_POST['key'] ) ) {
$db_key = htmlspecialchars( stripslashes( strip_tags( $_POST['key'] ) ) );
else {
problem("ERROR: no key");
logextra( "Field lengths are correct" );
$query = "SELECT * FROM reservations WHERE reservations.key = '$db_key' ";
$result = @mysqli_query($connection, $query);
$db = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC);
logextra( "Getting this reservation from the db" );
if ( $db["key"] != $db_key ) {
problem("ERROR: Could not find the reservation in the db");
logextra( "Found this reservation from the db" );
if ( empty($_POST["title"]) or strlen($_POST["title"]) > 100 ) {
problem("ERROR: Title length is not OK");
logextra( "Title length is OK" );
$title = $_POST["title"];
if ( empty($_POST["summary"]) or strlen( $_POST["summary"]) > 200 or strlen(str_replace('\\', '', $_POST["summary"])) > 100 ) {
problem("ERROR: Summary length is not OK");
logextra( "Summary length is OK" );
$summary = $_POST["summary"];
if ( empty($_POST["explicit"]) ) {
problem("ERROR: explicit is missing");
logextra( "explicit exists" );
if ( strcmp($_POST["explicit"], "Yes") !== 0 ) {
logextra( "explicit is not yes" );
if ( strcmp($_POST["explicit"], "Clean") !== 0 ) {
problem("ERROR: explicit needs to be either Yes or Clean");
logextra( "explicit is either Yes or Clean" );
$explicit = $_POST["explicit"];
if ( $explicit === "Clean" ) {
$explicit = 0;
else {
$explicit = 1;
if ( empty($_POST["episode_license"]) or strlen($_POST["episode_license"]) < 4 or strlen($_POST["episode_license"]) > 11 ) {
problem("ERROR: episode_license length is not fine");
logextra( "episode_license length is fine" );
if ( !(
strcmp($_POST["episode_license"], "CC-BY-SA") === 0 or
strcmp($_POST["episode_license"], "CC-BY-NC-SA") === 0 or
strcmp($_POST["episode_license"], "CC-BY-NC-ND") === 0 or
strcmp($_POST["episode_license"], "CC-0") === 0 or
strcmp($_POST["episode_license"], "CC-BY-NC") === 0 or
strcmp($_POST["episode_license"], "CC-BY") === 0 or
strcmp($_POST["episode_license"], "Other") === 0 )
) {
problem("ERROR: license is not a valid value");
logextra( "license is a valid value" );
$episode_license = $_POST["episode_license"];
if ( empty($_POST["notes"]) or strlen($_POST["notes"]) > 100000 ) {
problem("ERROR: Notes are missing not less than max");
logextra( "Notes are not missing and are less than max" );
$notes = $_POST["notes"];
if ( ( empty($_POST["series"]) and ($_POST["series"] != 0 ) ) or (strlen($_POST["series"]) > 3 ) ) {
problem("ERROR: Series id is not in the correct range");
$series = $_POST["series"];
if ( (strval(intval($series)) != strval($series)) ){
problem("ERROR: series is not an int");
logextra( "series is int" );
$result_series = mysqli_query($connection, "SELECT name FROM miniseries WHERE id='$series'");
logextra( "Series id is in the correct range \"$series\"" );
if (!isset($result_series)) {
problem("ERROR: Series has not been found");
$db_series_name_array = mysqli_fetch_row( $result_series );
$db_series_name = $db_series_name_array[0];
if ( empty($db_series_name) ) {
problem("ERROR: Series name \"${db_series_name}\" is missing from db ");
logextra( "Series name has been found in db: \"$db_series_name\"" );
if ( empty($_POST["series_name"]) ) {
problem("ERROR: series_name length is not fine");
$series_name = $_POST["series_name"];
if ( $series_name != $db_series_name ) {
problem("ERROR: series_name \"$series_name\" and db_series_name \"$db_series_name\" don't match.");
logextra( "series_name checkes passed: \"$series_name\"" );
if ( !empty($_POST["tags"]) and strlen($_POST["tags"]) > 100 ) {
problem("ERROR: Tags are not the correct length");
logextra( "Tags are the correct length" );
$tags = $_POST["tags"];
# Host checks
if ( empty($_POST["host_name"]) or strlen($_POST["host_name"]) > 40 ) {
problem("ERROR: host_name is not set and not the correct length");
logextra( "host_name is set and correct length" );
$host_name = $_POST["host_name"];
if ( strlen($_POST["host_profile"]) > 2000 ) {
problem("ERROR: host_profile is not the correct length");
logextra( "host_profile is correct length" );
$host_profile = $_POST["host_profile"];
if ( empty($_POST["host_license"]) or strlen($_POST["host_license"]) < 4 or strlen($_POST["host_license"]) > 11 ) {
problem("ERROR: host_license is not in the correct range");
logextra( "host_license is in the correct range" );
if ( !(
strcmp($_POST["host_license"], "CC-BY-SA") === 0 or
strcmp($_POST["host_license"], "CC-BY-NC-SA") === 0 or
strcmp($_POST["host_license"], "CC-BY-NC-ND") === 0 or
strcmp($_POST["host_license"], "CC-0") === 0 or
strcmp($_POST["host_license"], "CC-BY-NC") === 0 or
strcmp($_POST["host_license"], "CC-BY") === 0 or
strcmp($_POST["host_license"], "Other") === 0 )
) {
problem("ERROR: host_license is not a predfined value");
logextra( "host_license is a predfined value" );
$host_license = $_POST["host_license"];
if ( $_POST["hostid"] == 0 ) {
problem("ERROR: hostid is 0");
logextra( "hostid is not 0" );
if ( empty($_POST["hostid"]) ) {
problem("ERROR: hostid doesn't exists ");
logextra( "hostid exists " );
$result = mysqli_query($connection, 'SELECT MAX(hostid) FROM hosts;');
if (!isset($result)) {
problem("ERROR: could not get the max host from db");
$maxhost_array = mysqli_fetch_row( $result );
$maxhost = $maxhost_array[0];
logextra( "retrieved the max host from db" );
$hostid = $_POST["hostid"];
if ( (strval(intval($hostid)) != strval($hostid)) ){
problem("ERROR: host id is not an int");
logextra( "host id is int" );
if ( ( intval($hostid) < 0 ) or ( intval($hostid) > $maxhost ) ){
problem("ERROR: host id \"$hostid\" is not in the correct range \" $maxhost \"");
logextra( "host id is int, and in the correct range" );
$query = "SELECT * FROM `hosts` WHERE `hostid` = '$hostid' and `host` = '$host_name';";
$result = @mysqli_query($connection, $query);
$db = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC);
logextra( "Getting this host from the db" );
if ( ( $db["hostid"] != $hostid ) or ( $db["host"] != $host_name ) ) {
problem("ERROR: Could not find the host \"" . $db["hostid"] ."\", \"" . $db["host"] . "\" in the db \"${hostid}\", \"${host_name}\"" . $query );
logextra( "Found this reservation from the db" );
if ( ( $db["profile"] != "$host_profile" ) or ( $db["license"] != "$host_license" ) ) {
logextra("The host_license is different to that in the db");
$host_profile = mysqli_real_escape_string( $connection, $host_profile );
$host_license = mysqli_real_escape_string( $connection, $host_license );
$query = "UPDATE `hosts` SET `profile` = '$host_profile', `license` = '$host_license' WHERE `hosts`.`hostid` = '$hostid';";
$result = mysqli_query($connection, $query );
if (!isset($result)) {
problem("ERROR: could not update the host profile");
} else {
logextra( "Updating the host profile" );
logextra( "The host_license is the same to that in the db" );
# Episode Check
if ( !empty($_POST["ep_num"]) and isset( $_POST["ep_num"] ) ) {
$ep_num = intval( $_POST["ep_num"] );
else {
problem("ERROR: ep_num is empty");
// // SELECT MAX(ep_num) FROM `reservations` → 3627
// // SELECT MIN(ep_num) FROM `reservations` WHERE ep_num > 0 → 3582
$result = mysqli_query($connection, 'SELECT MAX(ep_num) FROM `reservations`;');
if (!isset($result)) {
problem("ERROR: Can't get max eps from reservations");
$max_eps_array = mysqli_fetch_row( $result );
$max_eps = $max_eps_array[0];
$result = mysqli_query($connection, 'SELECT MIN(ep_num) FROM `reservations` WHERE ep_num > 0;');
if (!isset($result)) {
problem("ERROR: Can't get min eps from reservations");
$min_eps_array = mysqli_fetch_row( $result );
$min_eps = $min_eps_array[0];
if ( empty( $ep_num ) ) {
problem("ERROR: ep_num is empty");
if ( $ep_num < $min_eps ) {
problem("ERROR: ep_num is too small");
if ( $ep_num > $max_eps ) {
problem("ERROR: ep_num is too big");
if ( intval($ep_num) === 0 ) {
problem("ERROR: ep_num is 0");
else {
$ep_num = intval($ep_num);
$result = mysqli_query($connection, "SELECT ep_num FROM reservations WHERE ep_num='$ep_num' AND status='SHOW_SUBMITTED';");
if (!isset($result)) {
problem("ERROR: Cant get info from reservations db");
$db_ep_num_array = mysqli_fetch_row( $result );
$db_ep_num = $db_ep_num_array[0];
if ( $db_ep_num != $ep_num ){
problem("ERROR: Cant find $ep_num with status of SHOW_SUBMITTED");
$result = mysqli_query($connection, "SELECT `id` FROM `eps` WHERE `id` = '$ep_num';");
if (!isset($result)) {
problem("ERROR: The show $ep_num is already in the eps db");
$db_ep_num_array = mysqli_fetch_row( $result );
$db_ep_num = $db_ep_num_array[0];
if ( !empty( $db_ep_num ) ) {
problem("ERROR: $ep_num is already in the eps table");
if ( intval($db_ep_num) === $ep_num ) {
problem("ERROR: $ep_num is already in the eps table");
logextra( "ep_num checkes passed: $ep_num" );
if ( !preg_match("/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$/", $_POST["ep_date"]) ) {
problem("ERROR: ep_date fails the regex match ");
else {
$ep_date = $_POST["ep_date"];
if ( strtotime($ep_date) === false ) {
problem("ERROR: ep_date didn't convert to date");
else {
$ep_date_epoch = strtotime($ep_date);
logextra( "ep_date checkes passed: $ep_date" );
if ( !empty($_POST["duration"]) and isset( $_POST["duration"] ) ) {
$duration = intval( $_POST["duration"] );
else {
problem("ERROR: duration is empty");
if ( empty( $duration ) ) {
problem("ERROR: duration is empty");
if ( $duration < 50 ) {
problem("ERROR: duration is too small");
if ( $duration > 26830 ) {
problem("ERROR: duration is too big");
if ( intval($duration) === 0 ) {
problem("ERROR: duration is 0");
else {
$duration = intval($duration);
logextra( "duration checkes passed: $duration" );
$title = mysqli_real_escape_string( $connection, $title );
$summary = mysqli_real_escape_string( $connection, $summary );
$notes = mysqli_real_escape_string( $connection, $notes );
$tags = mysqli_real_escape_string( $connection, $tags );
$query_add = "INSERT INTO eps VALUES ('$ep_num', '{$ep_date}', '{$title}', '{$duration}', '{$summary}', '{$notes}', '{$hostid}', '{$series}', '{$explicit}', '{$episode_license}', '{$tags}', '0', '0', '0')";
$result = mysqli_query($connection, $query_add );
if(!$result) {
problem("ERROR: DB problem - The show $ep_num was not added to the eps db.");
if (mysqli_errno( $connection )) {
$error = "MySQL error ".mysqli_errno( $connection ).": ".mysqli_error()."\n";
problem("ERROR: MySQL error- The show $ep_num was not added to the eps db.\n$error");
logextra( "Added the entry: $query_add" );
$result = mysqli_query($connection, "SELECT `id` FROM `eps` WHERE `id` = '$ep_num';");
if (!isset($result)) {
problem("ERROR: DB problem - The show $ep_num has not been added to the eps db");
$db_ep_num_array = mysqli_fetch_row( $result );
$db_ep_num = $db_ep_num_array[0];
if (mysqli_errno( $connection )) {
$error = "MySQL error ".mysqli_errno( $connection ).": ".mysqli_error()."\n";
problem("ERROR: MySQL error- The show $ep_num was not added to the eps db.\n$error");
$result = mysqli_query($connection, "UPDATE reservations SET `status` = 'SHOW_POSTED' WHERE `ep_num` = '$ep_num' AND status='METADATA_PROCESSED';" );
if (!isset($result)) {
problem("ERROR: DB problem - The show $ep_num has not been added to the eps db");
if (mysqli_errno( $connection )) {
$error = "MySQL error ".mysqli_errno( $connection ).": ".mysqli_error()."\n";
problem("ERROR: Could not update the show reservation to SHOW_POSTED in the db");
logextra( "Finished $ep_num ." );
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,577 @@
require "/home/hpr/php/include.php";
// executed by postshow.bash
// curl --netrc-file $HOME/.netrc --verbose --request POST https://hub.hackerpublicradio.org/cms/add_show_json.php --data-ascii @post_show.json --header "Content-Type: application/json"
logextra( "Starting add_show_json.php");
//Make sure that it is a POST request.
if(strcasecmp($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'], 'POST') != 0){
throw new Exception('Request method must be POST!');
//Make sure that the content type of the POST request has been set to application/json
$contentType = isset($_SERVER["CONTENT_TYPE"]) ? trim($_SERVER["CONTENT_TYPE"]) : '';
if(strcasecmp($contentType, 'application/json') != 0){
throw new Exception('Content type must be: application/json');
//Receive the RAW post data.
$content = trim(file_get_contents("php://input"));
//Attempt to decode the incoming RAW post data from JSON.
$decoded_json = json_decode($content, true);
//If json_decode failed, the JSON is invalid.
problem( "Received content contained invalid JSON!" );
if ( empty($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]) ) {
problem("No REMOTE_ADDR");
else {
logextra( "We have a IP of $ip" );
// Check the key
$provided_key = $decoded_json['key'];
if ( isset( $provided_key ) and strlen( $provided_key ) === 45 and strlen( htmlspecialchars( stripslashes( strip_tags( $provided_key ) ) ) ) === 45 and ctype_xdigit( $provided_key ) ) {
$db_key = htmlspecialchars( stripslashes( strip_tags( $provided_key ) ) );
else {
problem("no valid key found");
logextra( "Found Valid \$key: $db_key" );
// Check if this is a known reservation
$query = "SELECT * FROM reservations WHERE reservations.key = '$db_key' ";
$result = @mysqli_query($connection, $query);
if($result === FALSE) {
problem( "No result returned for this query \"$query\"" );
$db = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC);
logextra( "Getting this reservation from the db" );
if ( $db["key"] != $db_key ) {
problem("Could not find the reservation in the db");
logextra( "Found this reservation from the db" );
// Check title
$provided_title = urldecode( $decoded_json["title"] );
if ( empty($provided_title) or strlen($provided_title) > 100 ) {
problem("Title length is not OK");
logextra( "Title length is OK" );
$title = $provided_title;
// Check summary
$provided_summary = urldecode( $decoded_json["summary"] );
if ( empty($provided_summary) or strlen( $provided_summary) > 200 or strlen(str_replace('\\', '', $provided_summary)) > 100 ) {
problem("Summary length is not OK");
logextra( "Summary length is OK" );
$summary = $provided_summary;
// Check Adult flag
$provided_explicit = urldecode( $decoded_json["explicit"] );
if ( empty($provided_explicit) ) {
problem("explicit is missing");
logextra( "explicit exists" );
if ( strcmp($provided_explicit, "Yes") !== 0 ) {
logextra( "explicit is not yes" );
if ( strcmp($provided_explicit, "Clean") !== 0 ) {
problem("explicit needs to be either Yes or Clean");
logextra( "explicit is either Yes or Clean" );
$explicit = $provided_explicit;
if ( $explicit === "Clean" ) {
$explicit = 0;
else {
$explicit = 1;
// Check notes
$provided_notes = urldecode( $decoded_json["notes"] );
if ( empty($provided_notes) or strlen($provided_notes) > 100000 ) {
problem("Notes are missing not less than max");
logextra( "Notes are present and are under the max length" );
$notes = $provided_notes;
// Check episode Lisence
$provided_episode_license = urldecode( $decoded_json["episode_license"] );
if ( empty($provided_episode_license) or strlen($provided_episode_license) < 4 or strlen($provided_episode_license) > 11 ) {
problem("episode_license length is not fine");
logextra( "episode_license length is fine" );
$query = "SELECT short_name FROM licenses WHERE short_name = '$provided_episode_license'";
$result = @mysqli_query($connection, $query);
if($result === FALSE) {
problem( "No result returned for this query \"$query\"" );
else {
$db = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC);
if ( empty($db["short_name"]) ) {
problem( "No result returned for this short_name:\"${provided_episode_license}\"" );
$episode_license = $provided_episode_license;
logextra( "episode_license is a valid value \"${episode_license}\"" );
// Check Series ID
$provided_series_id = urldecode( $decoded_json["series_id"] );
if ( ( empty($provided_series_id) and ($provided_series_id != 0 ) ) or (strlen($provided_series_id) > 3 ) ) {
problem("Series id is not in the correct range");
logextra( "series length is fine" );
if ( (strval(intval($provided_series_id)) != strval($provided_series_id)) ){
problem("series is not an int");
logextra( "series is int" );
$query = "SELECT COUNT(id) AS count_id FROM miniseries WHERE id='$provided_series_id'";
$result = @mysqli_query($connection, $query);
if($result === FALSE) {
problem( "No result returned for this query \"$query\"" );
else {
$db = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC);
if ( empty($db["count_id"]) ) {
problem( "No result count returned for this miniseries:\"${provided_series_id}\"" );
$count_id = $db["count_id"];
if ( $count_id === 0 ) {
problem( "No result returned for this query \"$query\"" );
$series_id = $provided_series_id;
logextra( "Series ID was found \"$series_id\"" );
// Check Series Name
$provided_series_name = urldecode( $decoded_json["series_name"] );
if ( empty( $provided_series_name ) or strlen( $provided_series_name ) < 3 or strlen( $provided_series_name ) > 50 ) {
problem("series_name length is not correct");
$query = "SELECT name FROM miniseries WHERE id='$series_id'";
$result = @mysqli_query($connection, $query);
if($result === FALSE) {
problem( "No result returned for this query \"$query\"" );
else {
$db = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC);
if ( empty($db["name"]) ) {
problem( "No result name returned for this miniseries:\"${series_id}\"" );
$db_series_name = $db["name"];
logextra( "Series name has been found in db: \"$db_series_name\"" );
if ( $provided_series_name != $db_series_name ) {
problem("Provided series_name \"$provided_series_name\" and db_series_name \"$db_series_name\" don't match.");
$series_name = $provided_series_name;
logextra( "Series Name was found \"$series_name\"" );
// Check Tags
$provided_tags = urldecode( $decoded_json["tags"] );
if ( empty( $provided_tags ) or strlen( $provided_tags ) < 3 or strlen( $provided_tags ) > 100 ) {
problem("Tags are not the correct length");
logextra( "Tags are the correct length" );
$tags = $provided_tags;
// Check Host ID
$provided_hostid = urldecode( $decoded_json["hostid"] );
if ( empty( $provided_hostid ) or ( $provided_hostid === 0 ) or ( $provided_hostid > 999 ) or ( strlen( $provided_hostid ) > 3 ) or ( strval( intval( $provided_hostid ) ) != strval( $provided_hostid ) ) ) {
problem("Host id is not in the correct range \"${provided_hostid}\"");
logextra( "host id length is fine" );
$query = "SELECT COUNT(hostid) AS count_hostid FROM hosts WHERE hostid='$provided_hostid'";
$result = @mysqli_query($connection, $query);
if($result === FALSE) {
problem( "No result returned for this query \"$query\"" );
else {
$db = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC);
if ( empty($db["count_hostid"]) ) {
problem( "No result count returned for this hostid:\"${provided_hostid}\"" );
$count_hostid = $db["count_hostid"];
if ( $count_hostid === 0 ) {
problem( "No result returned for this query \"$query\"" );
$host_id = $provided_hostid;
logextra( "Host ID was found \"$host_id\"" );
// Check Host Name
$provided_host_name = urldecode( $decoded_json["host_name"] );
if ( empty( $provided_host_name ) or strlen( $provided_host_name ) < 3 or strlen( $provided_host_name ) > 50 ) {
problem("host_name length is not correct");
$query = "SELECT host FROM hosts WHERE hostid='$host_id'";
$result = @mysqli_query($connection, $query);
if($result === FALSE) {
problem( "No result returned for this query \"$query\"" );
else {
$db = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC);
if ( empty($db["host"]) ) {
problem( "No result host name returned for this host_id:\"${host_id}\"" );
$db_host_name = $db["host"];
logextra( "Host name has been found in db: \"$db_host_name\"" );
if ( $provided_host_name != $db_host_name ) {
problem("Provided host_name \"$provided_host_name\" and db_host_name \"$db_host_name\" don't match.");
$host_name = $provided_host_name;
logextra( "Host ID was found \"$host_name\"" );
// Check Host Lisence
$provided_host_license = urldecode( $decoded_json["host_license"] );
if ( empty($provided_host_license) or strlen($provided_host_license) < 4 or strlen($provided_host_license) > 11 ) {
problem("host_license length is not fine");
logextra( "host_license length is fine" );
$query = "SELECT short_name FROM licenses WHERE short_name = '$provided_host_license'";
$result = @mysqli_query($connection, $query);
if($result === FALSE) {
problem( "No result returned for this query \"$query\"" );
else {
$db = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC);
if ( empty($db["short_name"]) ) {
problem( "No result returned for this short_name:\"${provided_host_license}\"" );
$host_license = $provided_host_license;
logextra( "host_license is a valid value \"${host_license}\"" );
// Check Episode Date
$provided_ep_date = urldecode( $decoded_json["ep_date"] );
if ( !preg_match( "/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$/", $provided_ep_date ) ) {
problem("ep_date fails the regex match \"${provided_ep_date}\"");
if ( strtotime( $provided_ep_date ) === false ) {
problem("ep_date didn't convert to date \"${provided_ep_date}\"");
$ep_date_epoch = strtotime( $provided_ep_date );
$ep_date = $provided_ep_date;
logextra( "ep_date checkes passed: $ep_date, $ep_date_epoch" );
// Check Host Profile
$provided_host_profile = urldecode( $decoded_json["host_profile"] );
if ( strlen( $provided_host_profile ) > 2000 ) {
problem("host_profile is not the correct length");
logextra( "host_profile is correct length" );
$host_profile = $provided_host_profile;
// Check Host email
$provided_email = urldecode( $decoded_json["email"] );
if ( empty( $provided_email ) or ( strlen( $provided_email ) > 100 ) ) {
problem("Host email is not in the correct length \"${provided_email}\"");
logextra( "host email length is fine" );
if (!filter_var($provided_email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
problem("Host email is not in the correct format. \"${provided_email}\"");
logextra( "host email passes validation $provided_email" );
$query = "SELECT COUNT(email) AS count_email FROM hosts WHERE email='$provided_email'";
$result = @mysqli_query($connection, $query);
if($result === FALSE) {
problem( "No result returned for this query \"$query\"" );
else {
$db = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC);
if ( empty($db["count_email"]) ) {
problem( "The email address is not in the database:\"${provided_email}\"" );
$count_email = $db["count_email"];
if ( $count_email === 0 ) {
problem( "No result returned for this query \"$query\"" );
$email = $provided_email;
logextra( "Host email was found in the database \"$email\"" );
// Confirm the provided Host ID, hostname and email match in the db.
$query = "SELECT COUNT(hostid) AS count_hostid FROM hosts WHERE hostid='$host_id' AND host = '$host_name' AND email='$provided_email'";
$result = @mysqli_query($connection, $query);
if($result === FALSE) {
problem( "No result returned for this query \"$query\"" );
else {
$db = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC);
if ( empty($db["count_hostid"]) ) {
problem( "The email address is not in the database:\"${provided_email}\"" );
$count_hostid = $db["count_hostid"];
if ( $count_hostid === 0 ) {
problem( "No result returned for this query \"$query\"" );
logextra( "Host email and host id were found in the database \"$host_id\", \"$host_name\", \"$email\", " );
// Check Duration
$provided_duration = urldecode( $decoded_json["duration"] );
if ( empty( $provided_duration ) or $provided_duration < 120 or $provided_duration > 43200 ) {
problem("Duration id is not in the correct range");
logextra( "Duration length is fine" );
$duration = $provided_duration;
logextra( "Duration was found \"$duration\"" );
// Check Episode Number
$provided_ep_num = intval( urldecode( $decoded_json["ep_num"] ) );
if ( !isset( $provided_ep_num ) ) {
problem("ep_num is not set ");
if ( empty( $provided_ep_num ) ) {
problem("ep_num is empty ");
// SELECT MAX(ep_num) FROM `reservations` → 3627
// SELECT MIN(ep_num) FROM `reservations` WHERE ep_num > 0 → 3582
$result = mysqli_query($connection, 'SELECT MAX(ep_num) FROM `reservations`;');
if (!isset($result)) {
problem("Can't get max eps from reservations");
$max_eps_array = mysqli_fetch_row( $result );
$max_eps = $max_eps_array[0];
$result = mysqli_query($connection, 'SELECT MIN(ep_num) FROM `reservations` WHERE ep_num > 0;');
if (!isset($result)) {
problem("Can't get min eps from reservations");
$min_eps_array = mysqli_fetch_row( $result );
$min_eps = $min_eps_array[0];
if ( $provided_ep_num < $min_eps ) {
problem("ep_num is too small");
if ( $provided_ep_num > $max_eps ) {
problem("ep_num is too big");
if ( intval($provided_ep_num) === 9999 ) {
problem("ep_num is a reserved show 9999");
if ( intval($provided_ep_num) === 0 ) {
problem("ep_num is 0");
$ep_num = intval($provided_ep_num);
// Workflow Check
$result = mysqli_query($connection, "SELECT ep_num FROM reservations WHERE ep_num='$ep_num' AND status='SHOW_SUBMITTED';");
if (!isset($result)) {
problem("Cant get info from reservations db");
$db_ep_num_array = mysqli_fetch_row( $result );
$db_ep_num = $db_ep_num_array[0];
if ( $db_ep_num != $ep_num ){
problem("Cant find $ep_num with status of SHOW_SUBMITTED");
$query = "SELECT COUNT(id) AS count_id FROM eps WHERE id = '$ep_num'";
$result = @mysqli_query($connection, $query);
if($result === FALSE) {
problem( "No result returned for this query \"$query\"" );
else {
$db = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC);
$count_id = $db["count_id"];
if ( $count_id != 0 ) {
problem( "$count_id An existing episode has been posted with this episode id:\"${ep_num}\"" );
logextra( "The episode ID \"$ep_num\" has not already been assigned" );
// Update database - Actual Changes
// Update host_profile
$query = "SELECT profile FROM hosts WHERE hostid = '$host_id' and host = '$host_name'";
$result = @mysqli_query($connection, $query);
if($result === FALSE) {
problem( "No result returned for this query \"$query\"" );
$db = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC);
if ( $db["profile"] != "$host_profile" ) {
logextra("The host_profile is different to that in the db");
$host_profile = mysqli_real_escape_string( $connection, $host_profile );
$query = "UPDATE `hosts` SET `profile` = '$host_profile' WHERE `hosts`.`hostid` = '$host_id';";
$result = mysqli_query($connection, $query );
if (!isset($result)) {
problem("could not update the host profile");
} else {
logextra( "Updating the host profile" );
logextra( "The profile is the same to that in the db" );
// Update license
$query = "SELECT license FROM hosts WHERE hostid = '$host_id' and host = '$host_name'";
$result = @mysqli_query($connection, $query);
if($result === FALSE) {
problem( "No result returned for this query \"$query\"" );
else {
$db = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC);
if ( empty( $db["license"] ) ) {
problem( "No result returned for this license:\"${provided_episode_license}\"" );
$db_license = $db["license"];
if ( strcmp( $host_license, $db_license ) !== 0 ) {
logextra("The host_license \"$host_license\" is not the same to that in the db \"$db_license\"");
$host_license = mysqli_real_escape_string( $connection, $host_license );
$query = "UPDATE `hosts` SET `license` = '$host_license' WHERE `hosts`.`hostid` = '$host_id';";
$result = mysqli_query($connection, $query );
if (!isset($result)) {
problem("could not update the host license");
} else {
logextra( "Updating the host license" );
else {
logextra( "The host_license is the same to that in the db \"$host_license\"" );
$title = mysqli_real_escape_string( $connection, $title );
$summary = mysqli_real_escape_string( $connection, $summary );
$notes = mysqli_real_escape_string( $connection, $notes );
$tags = mysqli_real_escape_string( $connection, $tags );
$query_add = "INSERT INTO eps VALUES ('$ep_num', '{$ep_date}', '{$title}', '{$duration}', '{$summary}', '{$notes}', '{$host_id}', '{$series_id}', '{$explicit}', '{$episode_license}', '{$tags}', '0', '0', '0')";
$result = mysqli_query($connection, $query_add );
if(!$result) {
problem("DB problem - The show $ep_num was not added to the eps db.");
if (mysqli_errno( $connection )) {
$error = "MySQL error ".mysqli_errno( $connection ).": ".mysqli_error()."\n";
problem("MySQL error- The show $ep_num was not added to the eps db.\n$error");
logextra( "Added the entry: $query_add" );
$result = mysqli_query($connection, "SELECT `id` FROM `eps` WHERE `id` = '$ep_num';");
if (!isset($result)) {
problem("DB problem - The show $ep_num has not been added to the eps db");
$db_ep_num_array = mysqli_fetch_row( $result );
$db_ep_num = $db_ep_num_array[0];
if (mysqli_errno( $connection )) {
$error = "MySQL error ".mysqli_errno( $connection ).": ".mysqli_error()."\n";
problem("MySQL error- The show $ep_num was not added to the eps db.\n$error");
$result = mysqli_query($connection, "UPDATE reservations SET `status` = 'SHOW_POSTED' WHERE `ep_num` = '$ep_num' AND status='SHOW_SUBMITTED';" );
if (!isset($result)) {
problem("DB problem - The show $ep_num has not been added to the eps db");
if (mysqli_errno( $connection )) {
$error = "MySQL error ".mysqli_errno( $connection ).": ".mysqli_error()."\n";
problem("Could not update the show status to SHOW_POSTED in the db");
logextra( "Finished $ep_num ." );
Reference in New Issue
Block a user