Cloud Apache Container
This is the base container for running PHP based applications. Select the PHP version with the tags
You can pull this image locally by running:
docker pull
You can then run a development version of the server by running the following commands:
mkdir -p local-development/domain.tld
cd local-development/domain.tld
mkdir web
mkdir db
docker run -it --rm -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -e environment=DEV --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/web,target=/home/myuser/public_html --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/db,target=/var/lib/mysql -e uid=30001 -e user=myuser -e domain=domain.tld -e serveralias=www.domain.tld --name local-dev cac:81
This will start the processes needed to run sites locally.
If you need to get into the container you can run from another terminal:
docker exec -it local-dev /bin/bash
To install WordPress for your site
cat /var/lib/mysql/creds
su - myuser
cd ~/public_html
wp core download
You should be able to then go into your browser and go to https://localhost (accept the SSL warning if it appears) and follow the prompts to setup the site.
The database credentials are shown in the /var/lib/mysql/creds file, which we had cat in the commands above.
74 - PHP 7.4
80 - PHP 8.0
81 - PHP 8.1
82 - PHP 8.2
Environment Variables
Required Tags
uid - User ID for File Permissions
user - Username for File Permissions
domain - Primary Domain for configuration
Optional Tags
environment - Set to DEV to start memcached and mysql locally for development purposes
serveralias - Set to allow alternative hostnames for a site.